Majisto's Magical Micro Workshop
Set #6048 Majisto’s Magical Workshop was one of my favorite sets as a kid. So when LEGO announced their 90th Anniversary Micro-Scale contest, this set was at the top of my list. Click here for the link to my entry.
July 4, 2022
#Summer Joust

Ancient Lighthouse at Ashkharin
The Lighthouse at Ashkharin is one of the Ancient Wonders of Historia. Located on the isle of Gorr near what is now known as Stone Town, this lighthouse alerted ships of northern point of the island.
Though much of Gorr’s ancient history disappeared with its inhabitants around the time Kaligem was destroyed, this lighthouse lives on in memory due to its enormous size and importance.
October 10, 2021

Eallesborough Keep
Eallesborough Keep has guarded the forest at the base of the mountain since time immemorial.
This micro MOC is my fourth entry into the Summer Joust contest in the “Puristic Parts” category. It uses only basic bricks and plates.
July 29, 2020
#Summer Joust

Castle Town of Alnor
Where the Mountains Meet the Sea
The castle town of Alnor sits at the base of a mountain range giving it access to the sea for trade routes. Perched on the mountain’s foothills, the town is fortified by a wall on three side; the mountains provide cover from the fourth side.
November 10, 2018

LEGO Nebraska State Capitol
This 14 story building is located in Lincoln, Nebraska. It was designed by Bertram Goodhue and built between 1922 and 1932.
At 1:140 scale, the model is 36” tall, 38” wide. It contains 25,783 LEGO Bricks. It took six years to complete.
October 23, 2018

Micro LEGO Black Dragon
I made this MOC made for LOLUG’s January Iron Builder competition. The seed piece is the black 1x2 plate with 2 shafts.
January 14, 2018
#Iron Builder

Micro Castle/Pirate Collaborative
This is a collection of my contributions to the micro castle/pirate collaborative standard. Unlike most collaborative standards that are based on a grid, this one is based on a 10x10 octagon pattern.
This Barbican was built for the Brickworld 2017 collaborative.
June 10, 2017

This is model of Isengard as it was in the Second Age of Middle Earth. The tower of Orthanc sits in the middle of a lush plain. The MOC was done in nano-scale (smaller than micro-scale).
The hexagon base is Lego Otaku’s design.
May 20, 2017
#Iron Builder

LEGO Sea Monster
For April’s LUG Iron Builder competition I built this sea monster. The seed part is the green flower stem.
May 23, 2016
#Iron Builder

Haunted Mansion
A mansion I built at the Mini Modular (or Bricktober) scale. It is inspired by the mansions in the Mario Galaxy games.
April 26, 2016