Outwitted Ogre
‘Tell us a bedtime story, papa,’ said Aida.
‘What would you like to hear?’ I asked as we sat down near the hearth.
‘Tell us about Hassan and Mehdi, papa!’ Abbas said.
‘You’ll have nightmares,’ I responded.
‘Pleeaase’ my children said in unison.
July 9, 2022
#Summer Joust
#Iron Builder

Gingerbread Man
Once upon a time, a grandmother was baking for Christmas. With the leftover dough, she made the shape of a gingerbread man. She placed chocolate for the eyes and a bit of licorice for the mustache. She placed the gingerbread man into the oven and went about her work.
December 25, 2020

Go Dojo
Two people play a game of go in a Japanese style dojo.
I created this for LOLUG’s February “game” themed build competition.
February 16, 2020
#Iron Builder

Laundry Maid
A laundry maid hangs freshly cleaned clothes in a MOC I created this MOC for LOLUG’s May Iron builder. The seed piece is the yellow pin connector featured in the washboard and wringer.
May 20, 2019
#Iron Builder

Dragon Sculpture and Majisto
I build this dragon sculpture based on the Dragon Masters dragon. It is accompanied by a miniland-scale wizard, Majisto.
I built this for the February LOLUG Iron Builder contest. The seed part was the green 2x4
February 15, 2017
#Iron Builder

In Space No One Can Hear You Swoosh
This MOC is what I finally settle on for LOLUG’s July Iron Builder competition. The seed part is the Trans-Red 1x2 Plate.
A Miniland scale kid dressed up as a Classic Space Police officer plays with a nano-scale spaceship.
July 24, 2016
#Space Police
#Iron Builder

Classic Space Police
The Trans-Red 1x2 Plate seed part of LOLUG’s July Iron Builder competition inspired me to build a Miniland scale Classic Space Police figure. The figured seemed too lonely all by itself, so I spent some time trying to find the best micro (or nano) scale spaceship to fit in the background.
June 24, 2016
#Space Police
#Iron Builder

First Lego League
A Miniland scale MOC built for our LUG’s 2014 exhibit at the Nebraska Robotics Expo. Additional photos are on my Flickr Page.
February 21, 2014