Ancient Lighthouse at Ashkharin
The Lighthouse at Ashkharin is one of the Ancient Wonders of Historia. Located on the isle of Gorr near what is now known as Stone Town, this lighthouse alerted ships of northern point of the island.
Though much of Gorr’s ancient history disappeared with its inhabitants around the time Kaligem was destroyed, this lighthouse lives on in memory due to its enormous size and importance.
October 10, 2021

Micropolis Nebraska State Capitol
I’d been meaning to build a Micropolis Scale Nebraska State Capitol and finally got around to it for LOLUG’s February competition, which was to design a module for the Micropolis micro city standard.
The biggest challenge was to get the odd-stud-wide building on the even-studs wide module.
February 17, 2021
#Iron Builder

LEGO Nebraska State Capitol
This 14 story building is located in Lincoln, Nebraska. It was designed by Bertram Goodhue and built between 1922 and 1932.
At 1:140 scale, the model is 36” tall, 38” wide. It contains 25,783 LEGO Bricks. It took six years to complete.
October 23, 2018

How to Create Instructions
This is a guide to create professional quality LEGO instructions. While I will go through all the steps, getting fast at creating these instructions will take time.
Introduction I have wanted to create professional looking instructions for some of my LEGO creations, but have always been frustrated with the rendering quality of programs like LDraw and LDD.
September 27, 2015