Sorting LEGO Faster
As I was sorting my ‘dump bin’, I began to wonder if there was a quicker way. Like most of you, having your LEGO sorted is nice, if not necessary, but every minute you spend sorting is not spent building.
June 4, 2016

LEGO Whitening
Origional: 2014-10-26 Updated: 2019-11-06
My biggest complaint about LEGOs in terms of quality was that older pieces, especially white ones, would yellow over time, especially in direct sunlight.
The yellowing is due to a chemical process, which can be reversed using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)and Oxy-clean.
October 26, 2014

LEGO Sorting
I am in the process of changing the LEGO sorting scheme I had as a child to something better. These are my thoughts and experiences on how to organize LEGO. The general goal is to sort by both type and color; that is, for each type, have several bins, but not one for each color.
September 2, 2014