Batch File Renamer Chrome App Update
This post covers the much needed improvements to the batch file renamer app I started earlier.
Contents Required Apps Source Control Task List -> Issues Linting Removing Extra ‘.’ When Post Fixing Debian Ubuntu Linux with XFCE Desktop Environment Model View Required Apps Chrome Dev Editor (developer preview) Caret Text Editor Source Control One of the largest missing pieces to the process of working on this app has been the lack of source control.
January 18, 2016

Batch File Renamer Chrome App
One of my main use cases for my ‘living room laptop’, now a Chromebook, is to manage photos taken on my digital camera (or phone). When my laptop was a Windows machine, I had a batch file renamer application. I cannot find one for ChromeOS (and have not enabled devoper mode on my Chromebook to access its Linux tools).
December 20, 2015

Acer Chromebook 15 Review
The Acer CB5-571-C4G4 Chromebook is a 15.6” laptop with a full HD IPS display for around $280. I chose the Acer over the Toshiba Chromebook 2, the leading 1080p contender.
Contents Review Specifications Compared to the Toshiba CB2 Photos Box Opening Review So far, the chromebook has met my expectations.
September 5, 2015