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Rich and the Poor
In the morning merchants take their laden carts to the castle. The king and queen spend lavishly for their court.
The remains are taken down to market for the citizenry to pick over.
The contrast between the rich and the poor has never been greater.
January 13, 2022

Folviken Fortress
The Duke of Glannalt is brought to the Folviken. Abductees are always brought to the lake fortress for safe keeping until a ransom is paid. High profile persons, such as the duke, are always high stakes; sometimes our work just plays into the hands of an opportunistic usurper.
January 3, 2022

LOLUG Christmas Village & Snowy Mountain
Even in the cold of winter, there is life in the forest of this snowy mountain.
I created the mountain part of the MOC for LOLUG’s Christmas Village display for HobbyTown. I am also submitting it for CCC XIX’s Landscaping category.
January 3, 2022

Hired Hands of Historica
Queens rule and warriors battle, but workers propel Historica forward. These are the hired hands of Historica.
I created these minifigures for the Guilds of Historica 2nd count down challenge. There are members from all five guilds as well as Cedrica.
October 11, 2021

Ancient Lighthouse at Ashkharin
The Lighthouse at Ashkharin is one of the Ancient Wonders of Historia. Located on the isle of Gorr near what is now known as Stone Town, this lighthouse alerted ships of northern point of the island.
Though much of Gorr’s ancient history disappeared with its inhabitants around the time Kaligem was destroyed, this lighthouse lives on in memory due to its enormous size and importance.
October 10, 2021

A pasture I built for LOLUG’s train layout. Right now it 4x3 baseplates in size (128 studs by 96 studs). The windmill is motorized.
The pasture is home to brick-built cows. Build them yourself with these instructions.
September 26, 2021

Great Wall of Batuhan
The great wall of Batuhan protects the village from the evils of the Wither Woods.
I have been working on this medieval LEGO creation for several years and plan to expand it in the future. I’ve enjoyed focusing on the landscaping aspect of this build as well as many little details.
September 5, 2021

Brick Building Modular
I created this brick building a couple years ago as filler for LOLUG’s train layout (Nebraska Brick Railyard). It isn’t too fancy, but I do like the garage door technique using the white window panes.
July 28, 2021

Serene Day
The sun is warm and the breeze cool on this serene day at Lake Barlas outside of Batuhan. A perfect day for kids to run and play near the security of the town’s fortified wall.
I chose a new portion of my larger Batuhan Wall MOC for the “Creating an Atmosphere” category of the Summer Joust 2021 competition.
July 18, 2021
#Summer Joust

Petraean Alley
Some say black oil is the most precious resource in Kaliphlin, but if you look at where people live, you’ll see it is water. Tall buildings line the the narrow streets and alleyways of Petraea. Crowded cities arise around the scarce sources of water in this desert land.
July 17, 2021
#Summer Joust