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Cooling Rods
The seed piece for LOLUG’s April Iron Builder competition was the dynamite; which are featured as the cooling rods of some exotic energy plant. More images below.
Check out BrickNerd, who blogged this MOC.
April 14, 2018
#Iron Builder

I built this waiter MOC for LOLUG’s February Iron Builder competition. The seed piece is the push broom.
February 16, 2018
#Iron Builder

Micro LEGO Black Dragon
I made this MOC made for LOLUG’s January Iron Builder competition. The seed piece is the black 1x2 plate with 2 shafts.
January 14, 2018
#Iron Builder

Music Notes
A music notes MOC made for LOLUG’s September Iron Builder competition. The seed piece is the dark bley 1x2 plate with Technic pin hole.
September 15, 2017
#Iron Builder

This is model of Isengard as it was in the Second Age of Middle Earth. The tower of Orthanc sits in the middle of a lush plain. The MOC was done in nano-scale (smaller than micro-scale).
The hexagon base is Lego Otaku’s design.
May 20, 2017
#Iron Builder

Lime Grove
A farmer harvests limes from his grove.
I built this for LOLUG’s April Iron Builder Competition. The seed part is the lime green round 1x1 plate.
April 15, 2017
#Iron Builder

Bird House
I built this MOC for LOLUG’s March Iron Builder competition. The see part was the dark green roof piece (1x2, 45°).
March 14, 2017
#Iron Builder

Dragon Sculpture and Majisto
I build this dragon sculpture based on the Dragon Masters dragon. It is accompanied by a miniland-scale wizard, Majisto.
I built this for the February LOLUG Iron Builder contest. The seed part was the green 2x4
February 15, 2017
#Iron Builder

Chocolate Glazed Donut with Sprinkles
Inspired by the dark brown baby-bow, I built this donut with chocolate icing for the January LOLUG Iron Builder contest.
January 22, 2017
#Iron Builder

Delta II Starfighter
An elite, nimble starfighter, the Delta II is capable of holding its own against any adversary. The docking ring provides interstellar travel outside of combat.
Another LOLUG Iron Builder MOC. The seed piece is the black 1x2 plate with bar (4140588).
November 27, 2016
#Iron Builder