Baker's Dozen GBC Module
Baker’s Dozen in my Great Ball Contraption (GBC) module for the Great Ball Pit’s 2020 Challenge. You can watch a video of it running below. Continue reading for an explanation of all its parts.
Download Video Baker's Dozen Video I ran this module at the Virtual Brickworld Halloween, which can be seen in this video.
November 6, 2020

GBC Loop - Virtual Brick World
With the COVID-19 virus preventing normal LEGO conventions, Brick World hosted their first virtual online event. I had the pleasure of helping out with the GBC ‘room’ by taking a turn broadcasting my GBC Loop. Watch the video below.
Download Video Video of the Loop Three member of LOLUG, including myself, contributed module.
April 18, 2020

LEGO GBC | Great Ball Contraption
Another website with LEGO GBC information and links.
Getting Started You’ll need power function motors and a power supply. The can be purchased from https://shop.lego.com. I’d recommend starting by copying someone else’s design; several modules are listed below.
And you’ll need LEGO soccer balls, which are about $1 a piece.
September 20, 2019

This page has resources and information specific to GBC for the Lincoln and Omaha LEGO User Group (LOLUG). For information on getting started, including sourcing balls and building your first module, see my general GBC page.
Upcoming Shows Brickdays Omaha 2021 Prior Shows Brickdays Lincoln 2019 Video Brickdays Omaha 2019 Video Standard We follow the standard.
June 26, 2019

GBC Speed Regulation
This page will cover how to control the speed of your great ball contraption (GBC) modules. First the traditional 9V train controller will be covered followed by instructions on creating a cheaper, custom controller like the one above for about $10 each.
June 25, 2019